Wendy's BABYtalk

You know her as the outgoing host of KAIT's Region 8 Showcase. Now meet a different side of Wendy Rolley. Wendy gave birth to her first child, a girl, September 25, 2006. Life has certainly changed for this family and Wendy is happy to share the journey! You can subscribe to KAIT's BABYtalk newsletter by visiting www.kait8.com.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am less than a week away from my due date and I am now open to any suggestions of how to get her out. Patience is definitly hard. I am trying to wait and not go crazy, but it's a little difficult. I keep telling myself she is going to come in just the right time - I just have to make it sink in. Before I go into labor are there any last minute things I need to about what to bring, what to expect at the hospital or just more advice? Thank you to all who have commented, and I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions once my baby gets here - so get ready to keep responding!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the time is getting very exciting. You are ready for it to be over, yet not ready for the unexpected things that will happen. Just remember to be nice to the people that will be helping you before the baby arrives and after the baby arrives. Somethings that are said or done to them are not forgotten. (They just give the excuse that you are pregnant) Expecally to those who are very close to you. Also, you have to remember they mean good also. I can hardly wait to hear that you have had the baby. Hope to see her and you on the news.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are about the cutest pregnant person I have ever seen.

O.k., I always hated getting advice when I was pregnant, but I will tell you a little advice that I got and it really did work!!!

I was pregnant with my first child and was 3 days past my due date, I thought I was in labor so I drove 45 miles to the hospital where I was to deliver, only to find out that I was still dilated to 1 (which I had been for 3 weeks), I was so upset , so on my return trip home, I thought about all the advice I had been given to make me go in labor: they included:

take a big dose of laxatives - not a good idea

walk a mile or two - not going to do

have great sex for the last time for six weeks - a good idea!!!!!

It worked, I got back home at 11 p.m.; took the advice of a great OB nurse and at 1:30 a.m. my water broke and I made another 45 mile trip to the hospital and delivered the next morning at 0730!!!!

I am a RN, but not an OB RN, I know very little about OB, but I do know that this works!!! However, if your water has broke - go straight to the hospital, do not try to speed anything up except the vehicle that is getting you to where you are going!!

Good luck!!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

How exciting! You're getting so close :)

There are some old midwives' tales that will sometimes get things moving along IF you're already close to labor. Even though we don't know EXACTLY what triggers a Mom into labor we know that natural labor most often occurs SAFELY when baby's head is in proper position (not posterior or crooked - God built in a safety mechanism so that if baby is in danger of having his/her head go through incorrectly that contractions will stop -- IF they are natural contractions and sometimes if they are not.) So crawl around your living room floor and RELAX your belly. This will help encourage baby to be in the right position. So don't just sit there in the hands/knees position but actually CRAWL :) Fun, huh?

Next, the hormones have to be there. That's why the sex thing often helps. Without getting too blunt, natural secretions during sex are very similar to the synthetic drugs that are sometimes used to induce labor. This is one of those things that will only work if you're already close to labor anyway.

There are lots of other natural home-made suggestions. A quick google search will bring them up for you. But patience is the best remedy :) It REALLY WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!

Very excited for you,

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never got to go through the whole waiting phase. My doctor had to induce me a month early due to health problems. I do remember once I had my daughter that the clothes I had at the hospital made me ALOT more comfortable. My mom bought me this really nice post- maternity sleep wear. It was the most uncomfortable thing I ever wore. Lounge pants and an oversized t-shirt worked great. Especially when everyones coming into your room. The oversized shirt worked really well when I was trying to nurse, it covered everything up!!! Try to stay comfortable!!!! My daughter is a year old now. It has been the best ride of our lives!!! GOOD LUCK AND I HOPE IT HAPPENS SOON!!! :)

1:46 PM  

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